用on foot造句简单的相关图片

用on foot造句简单

下面围绕“用on foot造句简单”主题解决网友的困惑

on foot造句?

We go to school on foot.我们步行去吧。Let's go on foot.

on foot造句?

on foot(步行),这是一个固定介词短语,在句中可以作状语、表语等。I left my car in a lay-by and set off on foot. (我把车留在路旁停车区,开始步行。)作状...

on foot造句?

I go to school on foot.我走路去上学。


1、用作名词 (n.),造句如下:I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。I hurt my foot while playing football.在踢足球时,我的脚...

go to sb on foot造句

I will go to Mary's house on foot tomorrow.I will walk to Mary's house tomorrow.好像没有见过直接跟sb的噢

用must 和donˊt造句,要求意思一致。on foot

We must go to school by bus .We don't go to chool on foot.我们必须乘公交车上学,我们不走着去学校


一、path主要意思是道路、路线、小路、小径等,造句如下:1.They made their way in single file along the cliff p...


一、path主要意思是道路、路线、小路、小径等,造句如下: 1.They made their way in single file along the cliff path. 他们一个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进。 2.The path follows the...


1.It take ten minutes to go to the park on foot.步行到公园去要10分钟。2.It will take us about 40 minutes to get there.到那儿大约需要四十分钟时间。3.It'l...


“有时”的英文是sometimes,造句如下:Sometimes I like to go for a walk in the park. (有时候我喜欢在公园里散步。)Sometimes it's hard to focus on work w...

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