welcome to my home下一句可以答Great吗的相关图片

welcome to my home下一句可以答Great吗

下面围绕“welcome to my home下一句可以答Great吗”主题解决网友的困惑

Welcome to my home town .Great changes have ___

选B。take place 是发生的意思,这个词语的考点往往是考考生知不知道它其实是没有被动语态的。所以不能有be动词。 不要被句子设下的陷阱误导了。


A:Hello!Welcome to my home. Come in, please!B:Thank you.就餐中A:Help yourself! B:Emmm...It's delicious! Who cooked it?A:It's my father.B:I can't believe...


My hometown My hometown is a beautiful place, I was born in the beautiful place, in the place to grow. In the home, although no water and magnificent mo...


B:Yes ,I'm going to China with my parents and my sister.A:China is a very beautiful country,will you go to the Great Wall?B:Of course,we 're going to ta...


station, you can take the Number 9 bus to Yingbin Road. The bus stop is near my home. Or you can take a taxi. By the way, it's not very far from my...


Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle’s farm.We enjoyed a really interesting holiday. During the holiday, I didn’t have to get up early, nor...


of pairs of shoes of dollars? 50元。 50. 给你。 To you. 谢谢欢迎你们来到我家。 Thank you, welcome you to my home. 祝你生日快乐谢谢这是给你的礼物谢谢今天...

英语口语, 有题目的。

Welcome to my humble home.欢迎来到寒舍。He looks blue. 他看起来有点伤心。Precisely. 完全正确。You deliberately disobey me. 你故意忤逆我。That was it? 就...


Welcome to my home欢迎来我家Thank you 谢谢你You’re welcome别客气over there在那边ask a question问一个问题answer the question回答这个问题very much很,十分...


关键是你想去不想去。如果想去, 可以回答:Thanks . Actually I have dreamed of going there millions of times. I will definitely pay a visit.只是客套一下,...

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