make sure后面可以加什么的相关图片

make sure后面可以加什么

下面围绕“make sure后面可以加什么”主题解决网友的困惑


make sure后可有三种情况:make sure of sth: 对...确信;make sure to do sth :一定要做某事;make sure that+从...

make sure后面跟什么?

make sure后可有三种情况:make sure of sth: 对……确信make sure to do sth :一定要做某事 make sure that+从句:意思和make sure to do一样,可能出现省略sho...

make sure后面加动词时是什么情况

make sure后可有三种情况:make sure of sth: 对...确信 make sure to do sth :一定要做某事 make sure that+从句:意思和make sure to do一样 make sure是瞬间...

make sure后加什么?

make sure + that 从句; make sure to do sth; make sure of sth; 例句: Please make sure to turn off the lights when you leave. Please make sure of...

make sure后面加动词时是什么情况???

是后边可以加从句··你的句子是加动词的直接用to do 即make sure .to do sth务必 ; 一定做某事 追问 每个能不能举个例子~、、 更多追问 本回答由提问者推荐...

make sure后面加什么

make sure后面可直接加of,即make sure of sth,表示“对...确信”;make sure后面可以接不定式,表示“一定要做某事”;make sure后面还可以...

make sure的句型和例句

1.make sure to do 2.make sure(that)句子 例句:She makes sure to finish her homework.I make sure that he wi...

make sure后面一般跟什么 make sure 后面加动词什么

1、接that 从句及其从句的时态。make sure 如果是现在时或者祈使句形式(原形),that从句的时态应该使用现在时间范畴的时态,例如:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般...

Make sure接从句that可省吗

1、Make sure (that)you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.一定要系好安全带,否则会摔出去...

make sure是什么语法

make sure 意思是:确信、确定;后可跟从句;可以和of构成短语,make sure of: 查明,弄清楚。例如:1. They want to make sure the newcomers don't get a look-i...

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